16. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems

17.09.2014 (Wednesday)

14:30-14:55No semiconjugacy to a map of constant slopeMichał Misiurewicz
15:00-15:25On the dichotomy spectrumChristian Pötzsche
15:30-15:55On higher order regional proximality for arbitrary group actionsYonatan Gutman
16:00-16:25Non-compact Abelian extensions of distal minimal flowsGernot Greschonig
17:00-17:25Counting Markov partitions of toral automorphisms using Sturmian wordsArtur Siemaszko
17:30-17:55A unified approach to theories of shadowingMarcin Kulczycki

18.09.2014 (Thursday)

14:30-14:55Correlation with strictly ergodic sequencesTomasz Downarowicz
15:00-15:25Stochastic stability and the representation of Markov chains by random mapsChristian Rodrigues
15:30-15:55Topological and measure-theoretical entropies of nonautonomous dynamical systemsAndrzej Biś
16:00-16:25Discrete maximal functions in higher dimensionsBartosz Trojan
17:00-17:25The Anosov-Katok method: educational remarks, history and new developmentsRoland Gunesch
17:30-17:55Combinatorial constructions in Smooth Ergodic TheoryPhilipp Kunde

19.09.2014 (Friday)

14:30-14:55Geodesic flows of Weyl connectionsMaciej Wojtkowski
15:00-15:25Double recurrence for actions of amenable groupsPavel Zorin-Kranich
15:30-15:55Invariant measures for $\mathscr{B}$-free systemsJoanna Kułaga-Przymus
16:00-16:25Minimal models for actions of amenable groupsBartosz Frej
17:00-17:25Slow entropy for smooth flows on surfacesAdam Kanigowski
17:30-17:55On specification-like properties and simplices of invariant measures of dynamical systemsMartha Łącka