General outline |
The complete booklet of abstract, schedule and sessions venue can be download here. Note that the most up-to-date schedule is available here. |
17.09.2014 (Wednesday) |
Time | Item | Place |
09:00−10:00 | Opening Ceremony | Aula UAM |
10:00−10:30 | Coffee break | Aula UAM |
10:30−11:20 | Friedrich Götze (Universität Bielefeld) Entropy Expansions in Probability | Aula UAM |
11:30−12:20 | Grzegorz Karch (Uniwersytet Wrocławski) Instabilities and blowups in mathematical models of biological phenomena | Aula UAM |
12:30−14:30 | Buses from Aula to Campus, lunch | Campus |
14:30−16:25 | Sessions | Campus |
16:30−17:00 | Coffee break | Campus |
17:00−18:55 | Sessions | Campus |
18.09.2014 (Thursday) |
Time | Item | Place |
09:00−09:50 | Katrin Tent (Universität Münster) Sharply 2-transitive groups | Campus |
10:00−10:30 | Coffee break | Campus |
10:30−11:20 | Adrian Langer (Uniwersytet Warszawski) Inequalities between Chern classes of vector bundles and their applications | Campus |
11:30−12:20 | Joachim Escher (Universität Hannover) Analyticity of rotational travelling water waves | Campus |
12:30−14:30 | Lunch | Campus |
14:30−16:25 | Sessions | Campus |
16:30−17:00 | Coffee break | Campus |
17:00−18:55 | Sessions | Campus |
20:00−23:00 | Banquet | Aula UAM |
19.09.2014 (Friday) |
Time | Item | Place |
09:00−09:50 | Tomasz Schoen (Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu) Roth's theorem on arithmetic progressions in many variables | Campus |
10:00−10:30 | Coffee break | Campus |
10:30−11:20 | Barbara Wohlmuth (Technische Universität München) From reduced complexity to large scale computation (Emmy-Noether-Lecture) | Campus |
11:30−12:20 | Zbigniew Błocki (Uniwersytet Jagielloński) Suita conjecture and the Ohsawa−Takegoshi extension theorem | Campus |
12:30−14:30 | Lunch | Campus |
14:30−16:25 | Sessions | Campus |
16:30−17:00 | Coffee break | Campus |
17:00−18:55 | Sessions | Campus |
20:00 | Organ concert | Fara |
20.09.2014 (Saturday) |
Time | Item | Place |
09:00−09:50 | Grzegorz Zwara (Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu) Three fundamental theorems on representations of associative algebras | Campus |
10:00−10:30 | Coffee break | Campus |
10:30−11:20 | Joachim Hilgert (Universität Paderborn) Analysis on locally symmetric spaces | Campus |
11:30−12:00 | Closing ceremony | Campus |
12:30 | Lunch | Campus |