Session 19. Information and Communication in Mathematics

The SymbolicData Project towards a Computer Algebra Social Network

Hans-Gert Gräbe, Universtät Leipzig, Germany
Information and Communication in Mathematics is not only a matter of propagating facts and information but also a social interrelation between humans. We discuss the prospects to support such social interrelations technically by modern semantic approaches within the Computer Algebra (CA) community. This project idea is part of the SymbolicData Project [2] that aims at two main goals:
  • to unify efforts to collect digital data for profiling, testing and benchmarking Computer Algebra Software from various CA subcommunities together with concepts, tools and experience for their management both globally and also for special profiling, testing and benchmarking purposes at a local site and
  • to promote a network of repositories of digital data and related information from different areas of Computer Algebra.
In the talk we show how far such an approach can be extended to disseminate also other valuable information about, e.g., upcoming conferences, projects, working groups or publications in a semantic aware way within such a scientific community.
  1. H.-G. Gräbe, A. Nareike, S. Johanning, The SymbolicData Project - Towards a Computer Algebra Social Network , in Workshop and Work in Progress Papers at CICM 2014. vol. 1186 (2014), #paper-21
  2. The SymbolicData Project ,
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