Session 35. Topological fixed point theory and related topics

Minimal number of periodic points of smooth boundary-preserving self-maps of simply-connected manifolds

Grzegorz Graff, GdaƄsk University of Technology, Poland
The talk is based on the joint work with Jerzy Jezierski
Let \(M\) be a smooth compact connected and simply-connected manifold with simply-connected boundary \(\partial M\), \(r\) be a fixed odd natural number. We consider \(f\), a smooth self-maps of \(M\), preserving \(\partial M\). Under the assumption that the dimension of \(M\) is at least \(4\), we define the invariant \(D_r(f;M,\partial M)\) that is equal to the minimal number of \(r\)-periodic points for all maps preserving \(\partial M\) and smoothly homotopic to \(f\). We estimate the value of \(D_r(f;M,\partial M)\) for some values of \(r\).
  1. R. Brown, R. Greene, H. Schirmer, Fixed points of map extensions , Topological fixed point theory and applications (Tianjin, 1988), 24-45, Lecture Notes in Math., 1411, Springer, Berlin, 1989.
  2. G. Graff and J. Jezierski, Combinatorial scheme of finding minimal number of periodic points for smooth self-maps of simply connected manifolds , J. Fixed Point Theory Appl. 13 (2013), no. 1, 63-84.
  3. G. Graff and J. Jezierski, Minimal number of periodic points for \(C^1\) self-maps of compact simply-connected manifolds , Forum Math. 21 (2009), no. 3, 491-509.
  4. N. Khamsemanan, R. F. Brown, C. Lee, S. Dhompongsa, Interior fixed points of unit-sphere-preserving euclidean maps , Fixed Point Theory Appl., 2012:183, 8 pp., doi:10.1186/1687-1812-2012-183.
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