Session 36. Topology in Functional Analysis

Topological aspects of vector analogues of the

Tomasz Kochanek, Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
We will discuss some topological aspects of the problem which asks to what extent the vector analogue of the Kalton-Roberts on nearly additive set functions holds true. Namely, we say that a Banach space X has the SVM (stability of vector measures) property (\(\kappa\)-\(\mathrm{SVM}\)), provided there is a constant \(v(X) < \infty\) such that for every set algebra \(\mathcal{F}\) (with cardinality less than \(\kappa\)) and every function \(\nu \colon \mathcal{F} \to X\) satisfying \[\|\nu(A \cup B) - \nu(A) - \nu(B)\| \leq 1 \text{ for all }A,B \in \mathcal{F} \text{ with } A \cap B = \emptyset,\] there exists a (finitely additive) vector measure \(\mu \colon \mathcal{F} \to X\) satisfying \(\|\mu(A) - \nu(A)\| \leq v(X)\) for each \(A \in \mathcal{F}\). We will show, e.g., that for compact Hausdorff spaces \(K\) of finite Cantor-Bendixson height, the Banach space \(C(K)\) has the \(\omega_1\)-\(\mathrm{SVM}\) property and in some cases \(\omega_1\) cannot be improved here. We will also show how some topological constructions may be used in order to prove that the Johnson-Lindenstrauss space with index \(p = \infty\), \(\mathrm{JL}_\infty\), has the \(\omega_2\)-\(\mathrm{SVM}\) property and, again, \(\omega_2\) is the best possible. Several open questions will be also addressed.
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