3. Arithmetic Geometry

18.09.2014 (Thursday)

14:30-15:20Non-liftability of automorphism groups of a K3 surface in positive characteristicHélène Esnault
15:30-16:20Gorenstein orders and abelian varieties over finite fieldsJakob Stix
17:00-17:50Galois representations attached to étale cohomologySebastian Petersen
18:00-18:50Mordell-Weil ranks in families of elliptic curves parametrized by binary quadratic formsBartosz Naskręcki

19.09.2014 (Friday)

14:30-15:20Tate sequences and Fitting ideals of Iwasawa modulesCornelius Greither
15:30-16:20Mixed motives and the unit equationStefan Wewers
17:00-17:50On p-adic Langlands program and geometryPrzemyslaw Chojecki
18:00-18:50An analogue of Weil's program for the Riemann zeta and Dirichlet L-functionsGrzegorz Banaszak