Session 2. Algebraic Geometry
Minkowski decomposition of Okounkov bodies |
David Schmitz, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany
In recent years, the construction of Okounkov bodies for big line
bundles on normal projective varieties introduced by Lazarsfeld and
Mus\c tat\u a and independently by Kaveh and Khovanskii has raised
quite a lot of interest. These convex bodies carry important
information on the sections of multiples of the line
bundle. Unfortunately, they are notoriously hard to determine. I
report on results of joint work with P. Ł uszcz-\'Swidecka and
P. Pokora, S. Urbinati concerning a new approach to describing these
bodies as Minkowski sums of simple ``builing blocks''. I will also
mention an application on the problem of polyhedrality of global
Okounkov bodies appearing in joint work with
H. Seppänen.
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