Session 2. Algebraic Geometry
Fano manifolds whose elementary contractions are smooth \({\bf P}^1\)-fibrations |
Jarosław A. Wiśniewski, Institute of Mathematics, University of Warsaw, Poland
The talk is based on the joint work with Gianluca Occhetta
(Trento), Luis Sola Conde (Madrid) and Kiwamu Watanabe
This presentation concerns a geometric characterization of complete
flag varieties for semisimple algebraic groups. Namely, if \(X\) is
a Fano manifold whose all elementary contractions are \({\bf
P}^1\)-fibrations then \(X\) is isomorphic to the complete flag
manifold \(G/B\) where \(G\) is a semi-simple Lie algebraic group
and \(B\) is a Borel subgroup of \(G\).
Our proof of this statement is based on the following ideas: Every
smooth \({\bf P}^1\)-fibration of \(X\) provides an involution of
the vector space \(N^1(X)\) of classes of \({\bf R}\)-divisors in
\(X\). We show that these involutions generate a finite reflection
group, which is the Weyl group \(W\) of a semisimple Lie group
\(G\). Next we use \({\bf P}^1\)-fibrations of \(X\) to define a
set of auxiliary manifolds called Bott-Samelson varieties of \(X\),
which are analogues of the Bott-Samelson varieties that appear
classically in the study of Schubert cycles of flag
varieties. Subsequently we show that the recursive construction of
appropriately chosen chain of Bott-Samelson varieties depends only
on the combinatorics of the Weyl group \(W\) and ultimately we infer
the isomorphism between \(X\) and \(G/B\).
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