Session 4. Banach Spaces and Operator Theory with Applications
Asymptotic behaviour of factorization and projection constants |
Grzegorz Lewicki, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland
The talk is based on the joint work with Mieczysław Mastyło
During this talk we present upper bounds of the Hilbertian norm of
projections on finite-dimensional subspaces of interpolation spaces
generated by certain abstract interpolation functors and show
applications to Calderón-Lozanovskii spaces. We prove estimates of
the \(p\)-factorization norm and projection constants for
finite-dimensional Banach lattices. We specialize our results to a
class of \(n\)-dimensional symmetric Banach spaces \(E_n\) and are
able to show that the projection constant \( \lambda(E_n)\) satisfy
\( \lim_{n \rightarrow \infty} \lambda(E_n)/\sqrt{n} =c,\) where \(
c = \sqrt{2/\pi}\) in the real case and \( c= \sqrt{\pi}/2\) in the
complex case.
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