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Session 5. Complex Analysis

Lifting maps to the spectral ball

Pascal J. Thomas, Université Paul Sabatier, France
The spectral unit ball \(\Omega_n\) is the set of all matrices \(M\in \mathbb C^{n\times n}\) with spectral radius less than \(1\). Let us call \(\pi\) the "projection" map which to a matrix \(M\) associates \(\pi(M) \in \mathbb{C}^n\), the coefficients of its characteristic polynomial (essentially), in fact the elementary symmetric functions of its eigenvalues. Let \(\mathbb G_n:= \pi(\Omega_n)\). When investigating Pick-Nevanlinna problems for maps from the disk to \(\Omega_n\), it is often useful to project the map to the symmetrized polydisk (for instance to obtain continuity results for the Lempert function, related to the two-point problem): if \(\psi \in \mathcal O(\mathbb{D}, \Omega_n)\) and \(\psi (\alpha_j) = M_j\), \(1\le j \le N\), then \(\pi \circ \psi \in \mathcal O(\mathbb{D}, \mathbb G_n)\) and \(\pi \circ \psi (\alpha_j) = \pi(M_j)\), \(1\le j \le N\). Given a map \(\varphi \in \mathcal O(\mathbb{D}, \mathbb G_n)\), we are looking for necessary and sufficient conditions for this map to "lift through given matrices", i.e. find \(\psi\) as above so that \(\pi \circ \psi = \varphi\). This is problematic when the matrices \(M_j\) are derogatory (i.e. do not admit a cyclic vector). There are natural necessary conditions, involving not only the values: \(\varphi(\alpha_j)=\pi(M_j)\), of course, but also derivatives of \(\varphi\) at the points \(\alpha_j\). Those conditions turn out to be sufficient in small dimensions (up to \(4\)).
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