Session 12. Geometry and Topology of Manifolds |
Geometry of \(G\)-structures via intrinsic torsion |
Kamil Niedziałomski, University of Łódź, Poland |
We consider a \(G\)-structure on a manifold, i.e. the (oriented)
Riemannian manifold such that the orthonormal frame bundle \(SO(M)\)
has the reduction \(P\) of the structure group to \(G\subset SO(n)\). We
additionaly assume that the quotient \(SO(n)/G\) is reductive. We
study the geometry of \(P\) in \(SO(M)\). Mainly we consider extrinsic
geometry. We show that minimality is equivalent to harmonicity of
induced section of homogeneous bundle with respect to some
modification of the Riemannian metric on the base manifold \(M\). This
may lead to the slightly new concept of harmonic \(G\)--structure
[1]. We give relevant examples [3].
Considerations are based on the study of properties of intrinsic
torsion of \(G\)-structure, i.e. the section of adjoint bundle, which
can be identified with the difference of the Levi-Civita connection
and the \(G\)-connetion [2,4] |
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