Session 16. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems

Minimal models for actions of amenable groups

Bartosz Frej, Wroc law University of Technology, Poland
The talk is based on the joint work with Dawid Huczek
We prove that on a metrizable, compact, zero-dimensional space every free action of an amenable group is measurably isomorphic to a minimal \(G\)-action with the same, i.e. affinely homeomorphic, simplex of measures. This is a continuation of earlier results by Tomasz Downarowicz [1] and Agata Kwaśnicka and the speaker [2]. The main motivation for this kind of study is the famous Jewett-Krieger theorem: to any ergodic and invertible measure-preserving map there exists an isomorphic strictly ergodic (i.e. uniquely ergodic and minimal) homeomorphism.
  1. T.Downarowicz, Minimal models for noninvertible and not uniquely ergodic systems , Israel Journal Math. 156, 2006, 93-110.
  2. B.Frej and A.Kwaśnicka Minimal models for \(\mathbb{Z}^d\)-actions, Colloq. Math. 110, 2008, No. 2, 461-476.
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