Scalar-valued Fourier hyperfunctions were introduced by Kawai [1] in 1970 as a generalization of the sheaf of hyperfunctions which was introduced by Sato [2] ([3]).
He constructed them
as a flabby sheaf on the radial compactification of \(\mathbb{R}^{n}\) and it turned out that the global sections are stable under Fourier transformation. Vector-valued counterparts for the theory of (Fourier) hyperfunctions
were developed, at first, with values in Frèchet spaces and in 2008 Domański and Langenbruch [4] not only extended the theory
of hyperfunctions far beyond the class of Frèchet spaces by using new results
on splitting theory for PLS-spaces, but they also found natural limits of this kind of theory.
My talk summarizes results of my thesis [5] and is dedicated to the development of the theory of Fourier hyperfunctions in one variable with values in a non-necessarily metrizable locally convex space \(E.\)
Moreover, necessary and sufficient conditions are described such that a reasonable theory of \(E\)-valued Fourier hyperfunctions exists. In particular, if \(E\) is an ultrabornological PLS-space,
such a theory is possible if and only if \(E\) satisfies the so-called property \((PA).\) It turns out that the vector-valued Fourier hyperfunctions can be realized as the sheaf generated
by equivalence classes of certain compactly supported \(E\)-valued functionals and interpreted as boundary values of slowly increasing holomorphic functions.
References- T. Kawai, On the theory of Fourier hyperfunctions and its applications to partial differential equations with constant coefficients , J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo Sect. IA 17, 1970,
- M. Sato, Theory of hyperfunctions, I , J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo Sect. I 8, 1959,
- M. Sato, Theory of hyperfunctions, II , J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo Sect. I 8, 1960,
- P. Domański, M. Langenbruch, Vector valued hyperfunctions and boundary values of vector valued harmonic and holomorphic functions , Publ. RIMS Kyoto
Univ. 44, 2008, 1097-1142.
K. Kruse, Vector-valued Fourier hyperfunctions , PhD thesis Universität Oldenburg,
Oldenburg, 2014.