Session 18. Harmonic analysis, orthogonal expansions and Dunkl theory
Potential operators associated with Hankel-Dunkl and Laguerre-Dunkl expansions |
Adam Nowak, Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
The talk is based on the joint work with Krzysztof Stempak
We study analogues of Riesz and Bessel potentials in the frameworks related to the Dunkl Laplacian
and the Dunkl harmonic oscillator, where the underlying group of reflections is
isomorphic to \(\boldsymbol{Z}_2^d\).
We discuss sharp or qualitatively sharp pointwise estimates of the associated potential kernels.
We also describe those \(1 \le p,q \le \infty\), for which the potential operators are \(L^p-L^q\) bounded.
The latter results are counterparts of the classical Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev fractional integration
theorem in the above mentioned settings.
References- A.Nowak, K.Stempak,
Sharp estimates for potential operators associated with Laguerre and Dunkl-Laguerre expansions ,
preprint 2013. arXiv:1402.2522
- A.Nowak, K.Stempak,
Potential operators associated with Hankel and Hankel-Dunkl transforms ,
preprint 2014. arXiv:1402.3399
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