Session 26. Physics and Differential Topology |
Classification of totally umbilical foliations in hyperbolic spaces |
Maciej Czarnecki, Uniwersytet Łódzki, Poland |
The talk is based on the joint work with Rémi Langevin |
On hyperbolic manifolds neither totally geodesic (many authors) nor
totally umbilical (Langevin-Walczak) foliations of codimension \(1\)
exist. Totally geodesic foliations of the real hyperbolic space
\(\mathbb H^n\) were classified by Ferus using curvature of orthogonal
transversal. The next geometric step towards it was done by Browne
who weakened these conditions. Lastly, Lee and Yi gave a boundary
classification concerning centers of leaf ideal boundaries.
Using the Sitter space \(\Lambda^{n+1}\) in the Lorentz space understood as the space of \((n-1)\)-spheres in \(S^n\) we give a conformal classification of totally umbilical codimension \(1\) foliations of \(\mathbb H^n\) (in particular, for totally geodesic). We prove that a curve in \(\Lambda^{n+1}\) represents a foliations of
(a domain in) \(\mathbb H^n\) iff its tangent vector belongs
everywhere to a boosted time cone (Shadok cone) and give geometric
interpretation in terms of the mean curvature of leaves and geodesic
curvature of an orthogonal transversal. |
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