Session 26. Physics and Differential Topology

Classification of totally umbilical foliations in hyperbolic spaces

Maciej Czarnecki, Uniwersytet Łódzki, Poland
The talk is based on the joint work with Rémi Langevin
On hyperbolic manifolds neither totally geodesic (many authors) nor totally umbilical (Langevin-Walczak) foliations of codimension \(1\) exist. Totally geodesic foliations of the real hyperbolic space \(\mathbb H^n\) were classified by Ferus using curvature of orthogonal transversal. The next geometric step towards it was done by Browne who weakened these conditions. Lastly, Lee and Yi gave a boundary classification concerning centers of leaf ideal boundaries.

Using the Sitter space \(\Lambda^{n+1}\) in the Lorentz space understood as the space of \((n-1)\)-spheres in \(S^n\) we give a conformal classification of totally umbilical codimension \(1\) foliations of \(\mathbb H^n\) (in particular, for totally geodesic).

We prove that a curve in \(\Lambda^{n+1}\) represents a foliations of (a domain in) \(\mathbb H^n\) iff its tangent vector belongs everywhere to a boosted time cone (Shadok cone) and give geometric interpretation in terms of the mean curvature of leaves and geodesic curvature of an orthogonal transversal.

  1. H. Browne, Codimension one totally geodesic foliations of \(H^n\) , Tohoku Math. Journ. 36 (1984), 315-340.
  2. D. Ferus, On isometric immersions between hyperbolic spaces , Math. Ann. 205 (1973), 193-200.
  3. R. Langevin, P. G. Walczak, Conformal geometry of foliations , Geom. Dedicata 132 (2008), 659-682.
  4. K. B. Lee, S. Yi, Metric foliations on hyperbolic spaces , J. Korean Math. Soc. 48(1) (2011), 63-82.
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