Session 30. Real Algebraic Geometry, applications and related topics
Stratified-algebraic vector bundles |
Wojciech Kucharz, Jagiellonian University, Poland
The talk is based on the joint work with Krzysztof Kurdyka
We investigate stratified-algebraic vector bundles on a real
algebraic variety \(X\). A stratification of \(X\) is a
finite partition of \(X\) into Zariski locally closed
subvarieties. A topological vector bundle on \(X\) is called a
stratified-algebraic vector bundle if, roughly speaking,
its restriction to each stratum of some stratification of \(X\) is
an algebraic vector bundle on that stratum. It turns out that
stratified-algebraic vector bundles have many desirable features of
algebraic vector bundles but are more flexible. Recently first
significant steps have been made toward real algebraic geometry
based on continuous rational functions - called regulous
geometry. Stratified-algebraic vector bundles can be also
regarded as the appropriate class of vector bundles in regulous
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