Session 32. Set Theory

On rigidity and weak covering for \(\hbox{HOD}\)

Sy-David Friedman, Kurt Gödel Research Center, Austria
I'll discuss two results concerning Gödel's universe \(\hbox{HOD}\) of hereditarily ordinal definable sets, the first supporting the view that \(\hbox{HOD}\) is a close approximation to the universe \(V\) of all sets and the second supporting the opposite view. In [2] it was shown that \(V\) is generic over \((\hbox{HOD},S)\) where \(S\) is the \(V\)-definable stability predicate. Our first result extends this to class theory using the \(V\)-definable enriched stability predicate \(S^*\). A corollary is that \((\hbox{HOD},S^*)\) is rigid with respect to "V-constructible" embeddings. Our second result, joint with Cummings and Golshani [1], provides a model in which \(\alpha^+\) of \(\hbox{HOD}\) is less than \(\alpha^+\) for all infinite cardinals \(\alpha\).
  1. J. Cummings, M. Golshani, S. Friedman, Collapsing the cardinals of \(\hbox{HOD}\), sumbitted.
  2. S. Friedman, The stable core , Bulletin of Symbolic Logic vol.18, no.2, 2012, 261-267.
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