Session 35. Topological fixed point theory and related topics
Computations of Lefschetz numbers of solvmanifolds and polycyclic groups |
Hisashi Kasuya, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
By using classical results on cohomology computations of nilmanifolds (resp. completely solvable solvmanifolds) and rigidity of lattices in simply connected nilpotent (resp. completely solvable) Lie groups,
computations of Lefschetz (coincidence) numbers of maps between nilmanifolds (resp. completely solvable solvmanifolds) come down to computations on maps between Lie algebras.
On maps between non-completely solvable solvmanifolds, we can not simply extend such argument.
The purpose of this talk is to introduce some techniques for computation of Lefschetz (coincidence) numbers of maps between solvmanifolds in wider classes.
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