Session 37. Wild algebraic and geometric topology
A shape topology for the universal path space |
Álvaro Sánchez-González, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
The talk is based on joint work with Andreas Zastrow
The idea to generalize covering-space theory beyond the class of semilocally
simply connected spaces is fairly old, and apparently the first paper making
already a suggestion in this direction is from the sixties. Various
non-equivalent definitions for generalized covering spaces have been
suggested, depending on which properties of classical covering spaces should
been maintained and which can be given up. One of the concepts is the idea
to use in principle the same construction as in the classical case via the
``universal path space" [1], but being happy with covering spaces satisfying
weaker conditions. Even for this concept of generalizing covering spaces
different propositions for how to define the topology on the covering
spaces have been made, which in the classical locally path-connected
and semilocally simply connected case all give the topology of the classical
covering spaces.
By extending some definitions which have in literature up
to this moment only been made for topologizing the topological fundamental
group to the universal path space, we are aware of
up to five different definitions of topologies on the universal path space to obtain generalized
covering spaces. The talk will mainly describe one way
for topologizing the universal path space
that has its origin in some construction from shape-theory.
We also compare this new topology with others that were already defined
in order to generalize classical covering space theory to not so well-behaved spaces, in
particular those from [2] and [3]
References- W. A. Bogley, A. J. Sieradski:
Universal path spaces ,
preprint; http://oregonstate.edu/ bogleyw/.
- N. Brodsky, J. Dydak, B. Labuz, A. Mitra,
Covering maps for locally path connected spaces ,
Fundamenta Mathematicae 218 (2012).
- Ž. Virk, A. Zastrow: The comparison of topologies related to various concepts of
generalized covering spaces , Topology and its Applications, 170 (2014) 52-62.
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