
On the nondegenerate jumps of the Łojasiewicz exponent

Grzegorz Oleksik, University of Łódź, Poland
Let \(f_0\colon(\mathbb{C}^n,0)\rightarrow \left( \mathbb {C},0\right)\) be an isolated singularity. We define the number \begin{equation*} \mathcal{L}_0(f):=\inf\{\alpha\in\mathbb{R}_+: \exists _{C > 0}\exists _{r>0}\forall _{\|z\|<r}\|\nabla f_0(z)\|\geq C\|z\|^{\alpha} \} \end{equation*} and call it the Lojasiewicz exponent of \(f_0.\) In [1], B. Teissier calculated \(\mathcal{L}_0(f_0)\) in terms of polar invariants of the singularity \(f_0\) and proved that \(\mathcal{L}_0(f_0)\) is lower semicontinuous in any \(\mu\)-constant deformation of the singularity \(f_0.\) A. P\l oski generalized his result and proved that the Lojasiewicz exponent is lower semicontinuous in any multiplicity-constant deformation of a finite holomorphic map germ (see [2]). B. Teissier also showed that if we do not assume \(\mu\)-constancy, then \(\mathcal{L}_0(f_0)\) is neither upper or lower semicontinuous (see [3]). The ``jump phenomena'' of the Lojasiewicz exponent were rediscovered by some authors (see [4]). The aim of this talk is to give formulas for jump upwards and downwards of \(\mathcal{L}_0(f_0)\) in nondegenerate class of curves singularities in terms of the Newton diagram of \(f_0\). By the jump downards of \(\mathcal{L}_0(f_0)\) we mean the minimum non-zero positive difference between the Łojasiewicz exponent of \(f_0\) and one of its deformations \((f_s).\) We define in analogous way the jump upwards. We also indicate the deformations, in which the jumps are attained.
  1. B. Teissier, Variétés polaires I - Invariant polaires de singularités d'hypersurfaces , Invent. Math. 40, 1977, 267-292.
  2. A. Płoski, Semicontinuity of the Lojasiewicz exponent , Univ. Iagel. Acta Math. 48, 2011, 103-110.
  3. B. Teissier, Jacobian Newton polyhedra and equisingularity , Preceedings R.I.M.S. Conference on singularities, Kyoto, April 1978, (Publ. R.I.M.S. 1978).
  4. J. Mc Neal, A. Némethi, The order of contact of a holomorphic ideal in \(\mathbb{C ^2}\), Math. Z. 250, 2005, 873-883.
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