Session 8. Dynamic Systems with Fractional and Time Scale Derivatives

Numerical solution of the 1D subdiffusion equation with two moving

Marek Błasik, Częstochowa University of Technology, Poland
The talk is based on the joint work with Małgorzata Klimek
Moving boundary problems are a special case of the boundary value problems. They are often called Stefan problems and were extensively studied in the partial differential equations theory (compare monograph [1] and the references therein). The description including moving boundaries was applied in modeling of the formation of sedimentary ocean deltas [2] and the moisture transport such as swelling grains or polymers [3]. The fractional extension of the dual moving boundaries problem is used as the mathematical model of a drug release from a polymeric matrix [4]. We shall construct a numerical solution of the system of equations presented below: \begin{eqnarray} {}^{c}D^{\alpha}_{0+,\tau}f(X, \tau)= \frac{\partial^{2}f(X,\tau)}{\partial X^{2}}, \quad S_1(\tau)<X<S_2(\tau), \quad \tau >0\\ f(S_{1}(\tau),\tau)=1, \quad f(S_{2}(\tau),\tau)=0, \quad \tau >0\\ f(0^{+},0)=0,\quad S_1(0)=0,\quad S_2(0)=0\\ {}^{c}D^{\alpha}_{0+,\tau}S_{2}(\tau)=-\Lambda_2 \frac{\partial f(X,\tau)} {\partial X}|_{X=S_{2}(\tau)}\\ {}^{c}D^{\alpha}_{0+,\tau}S_{1}(\tau)=\Lambda_1 \frac{\partial f(X,\tau)} {\partial X}|_{X=S_{1}(\tau)} \end{eqnarray} which constitute the 1D fractional Stefan problem with two moving boundaries given as \(S_1 (\tau)\) and \(S_2 (\tau)\). In our approach we use new spatial variable \(u=\frac{X-S_1(\tau)}{S_2(\tau)-S_1(\tau)}\) as in this new coordinates system: \((u, \tau)\) the boundaries are fixed.
  1. S.C. Gupta. The Classical Stefan Problem. Basic Concepts, Modeling and Analysis. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2003.
  2. J. Lorenzo-Trueba, V.R. Voller. Analytical and numerical solution of a generalized Stefan problem exhibiting two moving boundaries with application to ocean delta formation. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 366, 2010, 538-549.
  3. S.I. Barry, J. Caunce. Exact and numerical solutions to a Stefan problem with two moving boundaries. Appl. Math. Model. 32, 2008, 83-98.
  4. Chen Yin, Mingyu Xu An asymptotic analytical solution to the problem of two moving boundaries with fractional diffusion in one-dimensional drug release devices. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42, 2009, 115210.
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