Session 27. Probabilistic and Extremal Combinatorics

Cycles in triangle-free graphs of large chromatic number

Benny Sudakov, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
The talk is based on the joint work with Alexandr Kostochka and Jacques Verstraete
More than twenty years ago Erdős conjectured that a triangle-free graph \(G\) of chromatic number \(k \geq k_0(\varepsilon)\) contains cycles of at least \(k^{2 - \varepsilon}\) different lengths as \(k \rightarrow \infty\). In this paper, we prove the stronger fact that every triangle-free graph \(G\) of chromatic number \(k \geq k_0(\varepsilon)\) contains cycles of \((\frac{1}{64} - \varepsilon)k^2 \log k\) consecutive lengths, and a cycle of length at least \((\tfrac{1}{4} - \varepsilon)k^2 \log k\). As there exist triangle-free graphs of chromatic number \(k\) with at most roughly \(4k^2 \log k\) vertices for large \(k\), theses results are tight up to a constant factor. We also give new lower bounds on the circumference and the number of different cycle lengths for \(k\)-chromatic graphs in other monotone classes, in particular, for clique-free graphs and graphs without odd cycles.
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