Session 36. Topology in Functional Analysis

Parameter-dependence of ODE's

Helge Glöckner, Universität Paderborn, Germany
Let \(G\) be a Lie group modelled on a locally convex space, with identity element \(e\) and Lie algebra \({\mathfrak g}\). We say that \(G\) is \(C^0\)-semiregular if every continuous curve \(\gamma\colon [0,1]\to {\mathfrak g}\) arises as the left logarithmic derivative of a (necessarily unique) \(C^1\)-curve \(\eta=\eta_\gamma\colon [0,1]\to G\) with \(\eta(0)=e\). If, moreover, the map \[ \text{evol}\colon C([0,1],{\mathfrak g})\to G, \;\;\; \gamma\mapsto \eta_\gamma(1) \] is smooth, then \(G\) is called \(C^0\)-regular. Thus, we are interested in the existence of solutions to certain initial value problems on a Lie group, and their dependence on parameters. I show that continuous dependence frequently entails smooth dependence. To this end, I first observe that \(\text{evol}\) is continuous if and only if it is continuous at \(0\). The main result then reads:

Theorem: If \(G\) is \(C^0\)-semiregular, \(\mbox{evol}\) is continuous at \(0\) and the smooth homomorphisms from \(G\) to \(C^0\)-regular Lie groups separate points on \(G\), then \(G\) is \(C^0\)-regular.

As an application, consider a finite-dimensional Lie group \(H\) with compact Lie algebra \({\mathfrak h}\). As recently shown in a Master's thesis by Timm Pieper (Paderborn), there is a Lie group \(C^\infty_{\mathcal W}({\mathbb R},H)\) of certain \(H\)-valued smooth maps on the line which is modelled on the weighted function space \(C^\infty_{\mathcal W}({\mathbb R},{\mathfrak h})\), for the set \({\mathcal W}\) of all weight functions \(f_a\colon {\mathbb R}\to $\,$ ]0,\infty[\), \(f_a(t):=e^{-a|t|}\) with \(a>0\). I'll explain how the above theorem can be used to see that the Lie group \(C^\infty_{\mathcal W}({\mathbb R},H)\) is \(C^0\)-regular.

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