Session 39. Contributed talks

Extension theorems dealing with weighted Orlicz-Slobodetskii space

Agnieszka KaƂamajska, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, University of Warsaw, Poland
The talk is based on joint works with Raj Narayan Dhara
Having given weight \({\rho}=\tau \left( \operatorname{dist}(x,\partial \Omega ) \right)\) defined on Lipschitz boundary domain \(\Omega\) and Orlicz function \(R\), we construct the weight \(\omega_{{{\rho}}}(\cdot,\cdot)\) defined on \(\partial \Omega\times \partial \Omega\) and extension operator \(Ext\) from certain subspace of weighted Orlicz--Slobodetski space \(Y^{R,R}_{\omega_{{\rho}}}(\partial \Omega)\) subordinated to the weight \(\omega_{{\rho}}\) to Orlicz--Sobolev space \(W^{1,R}_{{\rho}}(\Omega)\). The weight \(\omega_{{{\rho}}}(\cdot,\cdot)\) is independent of \(R\). This gives the new tool to deal with boundary value problems like: \begin{align*}\label{jedan} \begin{Bmatrix} -\operatorname{div}\left( {\rho}(x)B(\nabla u(x)) \right) =f & \operatorname{in}& \Omega\\ u=g&\operatorname{in}&\partial\Omega . \end{Bmatrix} \end{align*} with inhomogeneous boundary data provided in the weighted Orlicz setting. Result is new in the unweighted Orlicz setting for general function \(R\) as well as in the weighted \(L^p\) setting.
  1. R. N. Dhara, A. Kalamajska, On one extension theorem dealing with weighted Orlicz-Slobodetskii space. Analysis on cube , preprint available at: \url{
  2. R. N. Dhara, A. Kalamajska, On one extension theorem dealing with weighted Orlicz-Slobodetskii space. Analysis on Lipschitz subgraph and Lipschitz domain , preprint available at: \url{
  3. A. Kalamajska, M. Krbec, Traces of Orlicz-Sobolev functions under general growth restrictions , Math. Nachr. 286, No. 7 (2013), 730-742.
  4. M.-TH. Lacroix, Espaces de traces des espaces de Sobolev-Orlicz, J. Math. Pures Appl. 53 (9) (1974), 439-458.
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