19. Information and Communication in Mathematics

17.09.2014 (Wednesday)

14:30-14:55The European Digital Mathematics Library – state of the artAleksander Nowinski, Michael Jost
15:00-15:25From the European Digital Mathematics Library to a Global Digital Mathematics LibraryGert-Martin Greuel
15:30-15:55Mathematical Knowledge Management: The theory graph modelMichael Kohlhase
16:00-16:25A new approach for an enhanced glossary for mathematics: The SMGloM projectJürgen Schefter
17:00-17:25LaTeXML: From TeX to MathMLDeyan Ginev
17:30-17:55Math-aware Similarity of Papers in Digital Mathematics LibrariesPetr Sojka

18.09.2014 (Thursday)

14:30-14:55User Interfaces of Mathematical Web Services - a Semi-Empirical Study about Math User BehaviorAndrea Kohlhase
15:00-15:25Semi-automatic tools for content analysis of mathematical literatureUlf Schöneberg
15:30-15:55Automatic classification and clustering of mathematical publicationsSimon Barthel
16:00-16:25Author profiles and authorship disambiguation at zbMATHNicolas Roy
17:00-17:25swMATH: a new information service on mathematical softwareWolfram Sperber
17:30-17:55The SymbolicData Project - towards a Computer Algebra Social NetworkHans-Gert Gräbe