30. Real Algebraic Geometry, applications and related topics

17.09.2014 (Wednesday)

14:30-15:20Semidefinite representation of convex setsClaus Scheiderer
15:30-15:55Positivstellensätze in Graph TheoryTim Netzer
16:00-16:25Convexifying positive polynomials and s.o.s. approximationStanislaw Spodzieja
17:00-17:50Constructive approaches to PositivstellensätzeGennadiy Averkov
18:00-18:50Stratified-algebraic vector bundlesWojciech Kucharz

18.09.2014 (Thursday)

14:30-15:20Weight Filtrations for Real Algebraic VarietiesAdam Parusinski
15:30-16:20Reaching generalized critical values of a polynomialZbigniew Jelonek
17:00-17:50Lebesgue measure and integration theory on arbitrary real closed fieldsTobias Kaiser
18:00-18:25Constructing real algebraic curves by using tropical geometryJohannes Rau
18:30-18:55Affine plane curves and determinantal representations with matrix signatureChristoph Hanselka

19.09.2014 (Friday)

14:30-15:20Bounds on equivariant Betty numbers for symmetric semialgebraic setsCordian Riener
15:30-15:55On cusps and swallowtails of real polynomial mappingsZbigniew Szafraniec
16:00-16:25Arc-quasianalytic functionsGuillaume Valette
17:00-17:25Milnor numbers in deformations of homogeneous singularitiesTadeusz Krasinski
17:30-17:55Constructive approximation of germs of analytic maps into algebraic varietiesMarcin Bilski
18:00-18:25Deciding boundedness of polynomialsMaria Michalska