9. General forms of self-similarity in algebra and topology

18.09.2014 (Thursday)

14:30-14:55Topological Fractals and Multifractals: their properties and metrizationTaras Banakh
15:00-15:25Fractal morphismsChristoph Bandt
15:30-15:55What ought to be the definition of an attractor of an IFS?Krzysztof Leśniak
16:00-16:25Slices through four-dimensional fractalsRüdiger Zeller
17:00-17:25Iterated function systems and their attractorsMagdalena Nowak
17:30-17:55Polynomial eigenfunctions associated to ane IFSHelena Peña
18:00-18:25Selfsimilarities in spaces of real placesKatarzyna Kuhlmann

19.09.2014 (Friday)

14:30-14:55Generic compact spacesWiesław Kubiś
15:00-15:25Generalized fractals, with examples from valuation theoryFranz-Viktor Kuhlmann
15:30-15:55Hyperspaces | where fractals liveRené Bartsch